Door Tablet @ ISE 2017
Hall 8 - stand H182
Come visit Door Tablet at Integrated Systems Europe 2017

There’s only one place to be for anyone interested in the best the world has to offer in smart meeting rooms management solutions. The Door Tablet team will be found in the Digital Signage Hall at the RAI, Amsterdam (7-10 February). See map below for exact location.
Over the past thirteen years, the Integrated System Europe trade show has come to represent a cornerstone of the annual exhibitions calendar for the worlds of AV Technologies and corporate signage. The 14th edition of ISE, taking place over four days in Amsterdam next month, looks set to be the biggest and best yet, and Door Tablet will be there all week, thanks to the hospitality of its supplier of the Door Tablet AIO display hardware.
Located in the Digital Signage Hall of the city’s immense RAI conference & exhibitions centre, the Door Tablet presence represents a must-visit stop for any among the 65,000 anticipated visitors who are interested in the very latest innovations in meeting rooms management.
Sales director Tam McDonald and CTO Avi Tchiprout will be on the stand when they are not networking among the 1,000+ exhibitors who are set to make this the continent’s biggest showcase for building technologies and systems integrators in the industrial and commercial worlds.
Whether your wish is for a demonstration of Door Tablet’s world-leading software for the smart management of business meetings, or you just want to talk about smart buildings and the Internet of Things with two of the friendliest people in Amsterdam, do drop by
Stand 8-H182.