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237pages | Our help system contains many pages and videos for you to consume. This includes the complete information on how Door Tablet works, all its features and options, and of course the many benefits for your business. Door Tablet School offers many videos too. |
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D0E26CB89D82677080258769004C52FBAdd meeting list
With Door Tablet SIGNS its easy to add meeting, or even list of People in the building today.
- In SIGNS, make a Creative sign that allocate a portion of the screen to one of Door Tablet wayfinding display
- In Door Table neighbourhood settings, copy the Wayfinding URL created for you, with your choice of format... Airport and People display are the most popular ones but of course you may use others
- Test that the URL in a browser, it should open the display automatically
- In the SIGNS Creative, use the URL you copied step 2 above
- Add your Creative to the Playlist and assign it to the desired Screen
A new Creative in SIGNS
In Door Tablet neighbourhood settings, copy the Wayfinding URL, and associate it with the web Widgit.
You Creative screen is ready to display the weather and meetings on the same Screen