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Resource Scheduler

From Door Tablet V8.5, the server supports selected implementations of Resource SchedulerTM from Asure SoftwareTM. Before you try Door Tablet with Resource Scheduler you must enquire if your implementation is supported. If it is not, such implementation may be provided with Asuer's assistance. Please check with us first.

Connect to Resource Scheduler (RS)
Door Tablet provides all its functions while connected to the RS platform. Implementation of RS's Door Tablet interface must be validated prior to any connection attempts. All the Door Tablet client and server functions are available on the platform. Note: it may be possible to implement the interface in read-only mode first. At this implementation level all functions to create and modify meetings are disabled.

You may specify the type of resources you wish to include to eliminate resources which are not meeting spaces.

In the image above you will need to fill in four fields. These four fields will be provided to by RS, and these will be specific to your implementation, and validated by Door Tablet.

Once the fields are filled in, click on "Check Connection". If all is well you will see the number of meeting spaces available in your implementation.

Note: if your implementation of RS includes IP connection restrictions, the Door Tablet server IP must be added to the range of allowed hosts.

Synch your RS Rooms into Door Tablet
To start using Door Tablet with RS you will need to bring your rooms into Door Tablet.

The result is shown below:

Meeting spaces will be automatically created in Door Tablet. The function will create each meeting spaces as Inactive and you will see the following fields:
  1. Address/Key - although this field is editable you should not change it
  2. Location - you may change this value
  3. Name - you may change this value

You can now open the server on the Door Tablet clients, of all kinds, and interface with RS.