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Door Tablet V6.3

Newsletter Issue 4 - 11 March 2015


We are pleased to announce the availability of Door Tablet Analytics.  This development is very exciting as it completely exposes how resources are used in the enterprise and how you could get a better return on your investment on your resources.

We have just published a document for you to read here, and there are additional documents that describe how the system works and how you configure it in the help database.

Other Enhancements

We changed the formatting of the single room display to allow long button labels - all the buttons are now on one single bar.  We have also added another division in the display which allows you to overcome a fault in the Android rendering engine when floating images on screen.  For more information click here.

For the release notes, including all changes since the last newsletter please click here.

Important server upgrade

An important fix was implemented in version 6.2 and those that were affected by the issue were notified directly.  Most users were not affected, but we recommend that all users upgrade the server with this latest release.

The issue was caused by client sessions interfering with each other, causing sessions to be aborted and as such creating an impression of slow response time by the Door Tablet clients.

The impact of the resolution is visible - fast display, especially for clusters, no more errors on the console, and a stable server - in short, a happy system.  Please take action and download the software now.

Your feedback is vital

Thank you to all our clients, prospects and registered users who have provided feedback on Door Tablet to date. Your suggestions have been invaluable in shaping and refining the product.

As just one example of the benefits of our listening to our customers, it is fair to say that the market appetite for actionable feedback on meeting room usage has been stunning: so great that it accelerated the development of our capability in this area. Where before we had a really good product, we now see we have a market leader.

Please continue sending us your suggestions along with any questions or comments you have -- whether arising from our website, from our latest newsletter, or from your own musings about how to develop the product further. We will endeavor to reply to all contacts promptly, and look forward to more developments as the months go by.