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Distant Reservations

From Door Tablet V8 you can create ad-hoc reservations in distant meeting spaces. Once such a reservation is confirmed you will need to go to that meeting space within the check-in grace time and ensure you check-in.

To create a distant reservation touch on "Nearby" to see other meeting spaces in your area. Door Tablet will offer a menu of available meeting spaces. Before you can use this feature you must turn it on in the System Profile:

In meeting spaces to allow this feature see image below.
Note: you may disable other meeting spaces from ability to perform a distant booking to this meeting space.

Look to the bottom of the display and touch "Nearby" to see other meeting spaces:

The "Nearby" panel of other meeting spaces will show:

Finding which rooms are available to reserve:

Creating distant ad-hoc reservations
The same rules for allowing ad-hoc reservations apply here.

The reservation pop-up shows, adhering to all meeting space rules.


  1. Any bookings made with Door Tablet at the tablet will immediately update the Reservation database. This will secure the meeting space from other reservations
  2. If the meeting space supports check-in/out, you will need to check-in to the room

Click "Reserve" and you will see this message if the meeting space has check-in/out enabled:

This number is required for extending or releasing a meeting space, and for a Distant Reservation, for check-in at the distant meeting space. For more information on Check-in/out, click here Database 'dt.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'Check-in and Check-out' The reservation will now show up in the time bar when tapping Nearby.