Elevate your meeting culture with Door Tablet: effortlessly manage room bookings, enhance branding, and optimize resources for peak productivity Anonymousprnt::Y

Introduction to Benefits

Door Tablet make managing rooms easy.  The solution also clearly communicates to employees and visitors alike that your organization values efficiency and productivity.  The system also enhances corporate branding and messaging.

The benefits of the Door Tablet solution include:

  • Viewing space availability from any display
  • Active signage enables effective planning
  • Never get lost looking for your room
  • Broadcast your brand, products, and services
  • Cost-effective service software
  • Easily scalable enterprise solution
  • Available in most major languages
  • Make your employees proud
  • Communicates professionalism to visitors
  • Consolidates usage data on room occupancy
  • Enables optimal use of meeting resources
  • Make an informed purchase: try before you buy

Clients of Door Tablet have discovered the extra benefits that accrue to companies as they expand, building out their meeting rooms across buildings, offices and geographies, sometimes in different languages. That is - as they grow, so too does their appreciation of Door Tablet.  Make Door Tablet a mission critical part of your organization, and see the change in meeting room culture. 

Just having a room booking system is not sufficient: it must be reliable and easy to use as well. The whole process must reflect an understanding of how people best use, and occasionally misuse, the meeting rooms at their disposal.

Consequently, booking a meeting with Door Tablet has been made easy: it only takes a few seconds for anyone to book a room -- no need to wait for expert help. Room arrangements can also be changed or cancelled with similar ease, even during the meetings themselves.

Our clients tell us that it has transformed how they manage their meetings and improved their meeting space occupancy rates. In fact, they don't know how they managed without it!